Swallow Your Pride

Question: A 72 year old male complains of difficulty swallowing solids. Nasopharyngoscopy is normal. Modified barium swallow reveals a pharyngeal outpouching consistent with Zenker’s diverticulum. Stapler-assisted transoral cricopharyngeal myotomy is planned. Which of the following factors would NOT necessitate conversion to a transcervical procedure?

a) Prior C3-C7 fusion

b) Diverticulum size greater than 2 cm

c) 2 cm interincisal opening

d) None of the above

[Answer will be posted with next week's new question]

Answer to last week's question, “Sniff Sniff” (November 9, 2020)

C - Choanal atresia is more commonly due to bony narrowing than membranous narrowing